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Let us Answer Your Questions...

What exactly is a site content audit?

A website content audit is a professional review on how the content performs across your website to drive traffic and sales. It is delivered to you in the form of a report, usually around 10 pages.

Essentially, someone grades your website, and hands you this report telling you where your website excels and what can be strengthened, all targeted towards getting more people to your site and purchasing your product.

It’s an investment of the best kind. When that report is in your hands, you can work with two people to get your site running the way it should: your web designer and a copywriter.

You probably have your web designer in your contacts already, so all you have to do is let them know there is work to be done! They can take the report and apply the changes, effectively doing the work to make your site function well.

What are the benefits of a site content audit?

The auditor goes through your website and compiles a list of how the content speaks to prospects and guides them through the site with clarity and then call to action.

It also attracts people in search engines and hopefully beats out the competition so the client’s website can be first, or in the first page of Google rankings, and then have an exciting enough or interesting enough description that people will click on that one instead of the other options there.

In short, it really showcases your recommendations as a web content expert for fixing content areas that aren’t working. 

What happens to websites that don’t use site content audits?

There are a lot of businesses that don’t use the information site content audits provide — and it shows.

Their site appears unorganized and amateur. Simple but essential information may be missing entirely. There is no call to action button immediately when you arrive. There may not even be any description as to what your company does.

When searching for their website online, they would be lucky to be found on the 1st, 2nd, or even 3rd pages. 

Such websites lose traffic and customers daily. Sure, there may be good content, but because it’s not organized well or using the right voice for the kind of customer they serve, they’re not prospering– and their business suffers. 

The worst part is watching other companies — perhaps less experienced or less quality — outrank you on Google, getting the clients that should be coming to you, and your frustration increases. 

But you’re in luck! A website content audit can fix all that.

America Website Solutions

Why Choose Us?

Our audit is an in-depth review of every aspect of your website

America Website Audits are unique because of the quality process and product we provide. Our auditors are constantly up-to-date with best audit practices. The reports are easy to read and present a 21-point review with specific suggestions to strengthen those targeted areas. It contains screenshots and commentary to quickly tweak problem areas, and an SEO strength analysis that’s easy to understand and fix.

The report is seen as an opportunity, not a document to guilt-trip you. It’s positive overtones and easy-to-understand language make it incredibly useful and accessible, making the process pleasurable and empowering. No more wondering why your site isn’t working the way it should– now you know why AND how to fix it.

The report is seen as an opportunity, not a document to guilt-trip you. It’s positive overtones and easy-to-understand language make it incredibly useful and accessible, making the process pleasurable and empowering. No more wondering why your site isn’t working the way it should– now you know why AND how to fix it.

Plus, our auditors and editors, are an AMAZING team. They are super nice and always thorough, so if you have a question or concern, they are happy to help. They are positive and focused on providing quality service to their clients. 

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